Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants and Patents in South Africa

Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants and Patents in South Africa
Laura Foster
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Laura Foster's book, Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants and Patents in South Africa, examines how a patented plant found in Southern Africa historically circulates and changes meaning through colonial botanical sciences, patent law rules, ethno-pharmaceutical research, contractual benefit sharing, and sustainable fair trade practices.

This research produces ethnographic understandings of how the plant and Indigenous peoples’ knowledge and identity are co-produced through narratives of indigeneity, race, and gender, while novel modes of unequal citizenship are emerging within post-colonial, post-apartheid South Africa.


Foster, Laura A. 2017. Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants and Patents in South Africa (Seattle: University of Washington Press - Feminist Technoscience Series]