
Foreign language requirement

Gender Studies does not require proficiency in a foreign language unless a candidate is engaged in the sort of gender scholarship for which language proficiency would be necessary. The DGS will determine the means by which proficiency is demonstrated.

Research skills

Beyond the required core course G702 Researching Gender Issues, there is no specific research-related skill requirement. However, a student's advisor may require additional competency in research skills appropriate to that student's dissertation topic. Such requirements may include competency in a second language, statistical methods, questionnaire development, ethnographic methods, interviewing techniques, textual or media analysis, computing/internet/webmaster operations, specific laboratory skills, other research and technical skills, or appropriate combinations of any of these. These studies are to be undertaken early in the candidate's graduate career. The assessment and completion of any required research competencies normally must be certified by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) prior to admission to candidacy.

Transfer credits

Consistent with the general policy stated in the Bulletin of the University Graduate School, the Department of Gender Studies will accept up to 30 transfer credits into the graduate program, subject to the approval of the DGS. Grades received for transfer courses must be B or better. Coursework taken at another institution toward an MA can transfer to IUB for PhD credit, but if a student elects to leave the IUB program with a MA, credits earned at another university cannot be applied.

Additional requirements after admission with master's degree

Candidates admitted with a master's degree from another institution may be required to take additional preparatory work, depending on their background and training. The program will be decided in consultation with the student's faculty advisor and the DGS.