Affiliate Faculty

Affiliate Faculty

Asma Afsaruddin

Asma Afsaruddin

Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures

Adjunct Faculty, Religious Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
pre-modern and modern Islamic religious and political thought; Quranic hermeneutics; hadith criticism; exegetical, legal, and ethical perspectives on jihad and martyrdom; Muslim attitudes towards the People of the Book; Islam and religious pluralism; gender roles

Penelope Anderson

Penelope Anderson

Associate Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, European Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Renaissance Studies

Purnima Bose

Purnima Bose

Professor, English

Professor, International Studies

Adjunct Faculty, American Studies

Adjunct Faculty, Comparative Literature

Adjunct Faculty, Cultural Studies

Adjunct Faculty, History

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change

Maria Bucur

Maria Bucur

John W. Hill Chair, European History

Professor, Gender Studies

Professor, History

Research Interests
gender; citizenship; war and memory; eastern Europe

Beth Buggenhagen

Beth Buggenhagen

Associate Professor, Anthropology

Affiliate Faculty, African Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change

Research Interests
circulation and value; material and visual culture; photography; gender and Islam

Younjoo Cha

Younjoo Cha

Associate Professor, Sociology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
gender inequality; work; labor markets; mobility; social inequality; organizations; employment discrimination; quantitative methods

J. Kameron Carter

J. Kameron Carter

Professor, Religious Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Lynn Duggan

Lynn Duggan

Associate Professor, Labor Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study for Global Change

Jennifer Fleissner

Jennifer Fleissner

Associate Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Wendy Gamber

Wendy Gamber

Byrnes Professor, History

Chair, History

Adjunct Faculty, American Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, The Kinsey Institute

Research Interests
19th-century United States; social and cultural aspects; women and gender

Brian Gilley

Brian Gilley

Professor, Anthropology

Director, Native American and Indigenous Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Jennifer Goodlander

Jennifer Goodlander

Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Literature

Affiliate Faculty, Anthropology

Affiliate Faculty, Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

Affiliate Faculty, Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Angelica Guevara

Angelica Guevara

Assistant Professor, Kelley School of Business

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
Business Law, Business Law & Ethics, Non-apparent Disabilities, Disability Rights Law, Disability Antidiscrimination Law, Social Security Disability Insurance, Education Law, Disability in Higher Education, Disability Studies, Gender Studies

Maria Hamilton Abegunde

Maria Hamilton Abegunde

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University Graduate School

Founding Director, The Graduate Mentoring Center

Visiting Lecturer, African American and African Diaspora Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Maria E. Hamilton Abegunde is a Memory Keeper, poet, ancestral priest in the Yoruba Orisa tradition, doula, and a Reiki Master.
Jessica Hille

Jessica Hille

Assistant Director for Education, Kinsey Institute

Assistant Clinical Professor, Kinsey Institute

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
asexuality and ace spectrum identities, LGBTQ+ healthcare, gender equity, relationships

Sarah Imhoff

Sarah Imhoff

Associate Professor, Jewish Studies

Associate Professor, Religious Studies

Adjunct Faculty, History

Affiliate Faculty, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies


Research Interests
gender; American Jewish history; race and Jewishness; rabbinic literature; American religious history

Kristen Jozkowski

Kristen Jozkowski

William L. Yarber Professor of Sexual Health, Applied Health Science

Senior Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Director, Center for Reproductive Health

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Stephanie C. Kane

Stephanie C. Kane

Professor, International Studies

Adjunct Faculty, Criminal Justice

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change

Stephanie Kane, previously an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Gender Studies, received her Ph.D. in social and cultural anthropology and her Masters in zoology from the University of Texas at Austin. She’s a trained ethnographer and ecologist with a broad interdisciplinary interest in cultural studies.
Ellen D. Ketterson

Ellen D. Ketterson

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Director, Environmental Resilience Institute

Affiliate Faculty, Cognitive Science

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

Affiliate Faculty, Neuroscience

Research Interests
behavior; ecology; evolution

Aziza Khazzoom

Aziza Khazzoom

Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures

Adjunct Faculty, Jewish Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
Israeli identity and multiculturalism; stratification; gender; race/ethnicity/nation; immigration

Seung-Kyung Kim

Seung-Kyung Kim

Director, Korean Studies

Korea Foundation Professor, Korean Studies

Adjunct Faculty, Anthropology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
gender and society in contemporary Korea

Sarah Knott

Sarah Knott

Professor, History

Research Fellow, The Kinsey Institute

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
early America, women and gender; age of revolutions

Stephanie Li

Stephanie Li

Professor, English

Susan D. Gubar Chair in Literature, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Karma Lochrie

Karma Lochrie

Provost Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Nicole Martins

Nicole Martins

Associate Professor, Communication Science

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
media violence; relational aggression; body image concerns; gender

Laura McCloskey

Laura McCloskey

Professor, Applied Health Science

Director, Center for Research on Health Disparities

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
origins and effects of gender-based violence across the life-course on girls' and women's mental and reproductive health

Mary Murphy

Mary Murphy

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
self and social identity threat; stereotype threat; stereotyping and prejudice; intergroup dynamics; interracial interaction and friendship; organizational lay theories; structural and psychological barriers for underrepresented groups

Amrita Chakrabarti Myers

Amrita Chakrabarti Myers

Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor, Gender Studies

Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor, History

Research Interests
black women; African american history; 19th-century U.S.; the old south; social history; race; gender; sexuality and violence; freedom, citizenship, and power

Miriam Northcutt Bohmert

Miriam Northcutt Bohmert

Associate Professor, Criminal Justice

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
corrections; reentry; social psychological influences and environmental contexts; conservation criminology; gender

Radhika Parameswaran

Radhika Parameswaran

Professor, Journalism

Herman B. Wells Endowed Professor, Media

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change

Research Interests
gender and media; cultural studies; south Asia; qualitative research

Zoë Peterson

Zoë Peterson

Associate Professor, Counseling and Educational Psychology

Associate Research Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Director, Sexual Assault Research Initiative

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Political Science

Sarah Phillips

Sarah Phillips

Professor, Anthropology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
postsocialist; transformations; civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs); globalization; development; gender studies; medical anthropology; post-Chernobyl health and healing; folk medicine; disability studies

Brian Powell

Brian Powell

Professor, Sociology

James H. Rudy Professor, Sociology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
sociology of family; sociology of education; gender; social psychology

Ryan Powell

Ryan Powell

Assistant Professor, Media

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies


Research Interests
film studies; sound and cinema; LGBTQ studies; independent cinema; underground film; sexuality studies; gender studies; exhibition studies

Julia Roos

Julia Roos

Associate Professor, History

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
modern Europe and Germany; women and gender; sexuality; social; political, and cultural history; propaganda

Bret Rothstein

Bret Rothstein

Ruth N. Halls Professor, Art History

Director of Graduate Studies

Adjunct Professor, Germanic Studies

Affiliate, Cultural Studies Program

Affiliate, Gender Studies

Colleen Ryan

Colleen Ryan

Professor, French and Italian

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies


Research Interests
representations of women; gender and sexual identity in contemporary Italian and Italian American literature and film; mentoring and professional development for graduate students in foreign languages and literatures

Steve Sanders

Steve Sanders

Professor, Law

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Political Science

Affiliate Faculty, The Kinsey Institute

Edith Sarra

Edith Sarra

Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Culture

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies


Research Interests
classical Japanese fiction and memoir; gender in premodern Japanese culture; eco-criticism and the literature of place

Micol Seigel

Micol Seigel

Professor, American Studies

Professor, History

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Study of Global Change

Susan Seizer

Susan Seizer

Professor, Anthropology

Professor, Dhar Indian Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Folklore and Ethnomusicology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Research Interests
humor in use; stigma and its effects; performance; dance; theater; circus; standup comedy; south asian studies; ethnographic writing and ethnographic methods; documentary; Diaspora; feminist film; disability studies; gender studies; kinship

Rebekah Sheldon

Rebekah Sheldon

Associate Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Margaret Peg Sutton

Margaret Peg Sutton

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Education Policy Studies

Affiliate Faculty, History, Philosophy & Comparative Education

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Freya Thimsen

Freya Thimsen

Assistant Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies


Research Interests
rhetoric of social movements; democratic theory; anti-corporate politics; communication and public advocacy

Alberto Varon

Alberto Varon

Associate Professor, English

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Virginia J. Vitzthum

Virginia J. Vitzthum

Professor, Anthropology

Senior Research Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Director, Evolutionary Anthropology (EVA) Laboratory

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

Affiliate Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Research Interests
variation in human female reproductiony; contraceptive technology; applied health policy

Susan Williams

Susan Williams

Walter W. Foskett Professor, Law

Director, Center for Constitutional Democracy

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Y. Joel Wong

Y. Joel Wong

Chair, Counseling and Educational Psychology

Professor, Counseling and Educational Psychology

Affiliate Faculty, Counseling and Counselor Education

Affiliate Faculty, Counseling Psychology

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

Cynthia Wu

Cynthia Wu

Professor, American Studies Department

Professor, Asian American Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies

  • BH 573

Research Interests
Asian American and comparative ethnic studies; disability studies; gender and sexuality studies

William L. Yarber

William L. Yarber

Provost Professor, Applied Health Science

Senior Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Senior Director, Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention

Adjunct Professor, Family Medicine

Affiliate Faculty, Gender Studies
