Since 2006, our department has offered both a Ph.D. major and a Ph.D. minor in Gender Studies. Our Ph.D. program in Gender Studies was the first of that name in the country, and ours is the only program to currently have a 100% hire rate for Ph.D. graduates. We offer a fully funded package with stipend and insurance to admitted graduate students.
Our faculty are leaders in the field
Our professors are collectively engaged in original, cutting-edge research. The courses they teach cover subjects at the forefront of contemporary social engagement. Class discussions and assignments are relevant, timely, and designed to help you make connections across disciplines.

Research areas
Students and faculty in our program examine the social processes, cultural representations, relations of power, and forms of knowledge that generate a range of gendered perspectives and experiences around the world.
Our focus on gender as an analytical category facilitates an array of scholarly collaborations. We generate leading research across fields as diverse as the social sciences, the arts and humanities, the natural sciences, and policy studies. Categories of difference that articulate with gender—such as race, ethnicity, class, and religion—are vertical grids of attention throughout the doctoral degree program.
The department emphasizes integrative and transdisciplinary modes of analysis for the study of sexualities and sexual identities. Our courses and our research look at bodies and the ways they are altered by technology and medicine. We examine cultural representations and the social production of gender. We look at feminist theories of knowledge and the ways in which gender influences our concepts of knowledge, practices of inquiry, and justification of social norms.
Resources for your research
Our department is affiliated with the world-renowned Kinsey Institute for Research in Sexuality, Gender, and Reproduction. Access to the many other institutes and resources of Indiana University, including the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University, makes this a rich environment for transdisciplinary research.