A virtual program to celebrate the publication of Starring Tom Cruise edited by Sean Redmond. Join Sean Redmond and contributors, Glen Donnar, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Justin Rawlins, Alex Wade, and Brenda R. Weber for a lively conversation on this complex Hollywood figure. Starring Tom Cruise examines how Tom Cruise’s star image moves across genres and forms as a type of commercial product that offers viewers certain pleasures and expectations and shows how important star studies is not just to understanding the ideological, commercial, and cultural significance of one star but to seeing how masculinity, ethnicity, sexuality, and commodity relations function in contemporary society. The discussion will be introduced by Marie Sweetman, Acquisition Editor at Wayne State University Press.
Starring Tom Cruise (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series)
Starring Tom Cruise (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series)
- Brenda R. Weber, Sean Redmond
- Publication Date
2021 - Website
- View video via YouTube