Masculinity, American Modernity, and Body-Modification

A Feminist Reading of American Eunuchs

Masculinity, American Modernity, and Body-Modification
Brenda R. Weber
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Article: Masculinity, American Modernity, and Body Modification: A Feminist Reading of American Eunuchs

Brenda Weber’s article offers a reading of a vastly different cultural text—the documentary film American Eunuchs. Analyzing the film and its reception, Weber finds a lingering masculinism despite the fact that the film’s subjects express a desire to be castrated (and indeed carry out that desire), and she reveals that the filmmakers’ evident horror at the excesses of US neoliberal medicine does not preclude them from advocating a neoliberal model of care of the self.


Weber, Brenda R. “Masculinity, American Modernity, and Body Modification: A Feminist Reading of American Eunuchs.” Signs, vol. 38, no. 3, 2013, pp. 671–694.