- PhD, University of California, Irvine, 2019

Judith Rodríguez
Assistant Professor, Gender Studies
Assistant Professor, Latino Studies Program
Assistant Professor, Gender Studies
Assistant Professor, Latino Studies Program
Judith Rodríguez is a first-generation scholar and assistant professor in the Department of Gender Studies and the Latino Studies Program at Indiana University, Bloomington. She specializes in transdisciplinary approaches to Black and Afro-Latiné feminism and literary and performance theory. Her first manuscript, titled Impositions: The Aesthetic Blackening of Puerto Ricanness, explores works of literature, music, documentary film, and theatre and performance since the 1930s that have critiqued—and imagined alternatives to—the gendered antiblack violence produced through the imposition of ethnonational discourse on the colony of Puerto Rico and its diaspora. She has published or has forthcoming articles in Critical Times, Chiricú, small axe, Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, and Hispanófila: Ensayos de Literatura.